2025 Drop-off Schedule
The below schedule is updated as of February 2025. We hope you find these convenient, as there are typically multiple options every day, on both sides of the river. Our Facebook Page is the very best way to stay up-to-date (pinned post, upcoming events, daily posts or any last minute schedule changes we are notified about) and get more details for each site, as it can vary slightly. We also try to keep our Instagram updated as much as possible BUT ultimately we rely on our partners to let us know of any changes so we strongly encourage you to visit their social media pages to check for any last-minute cancellations or closures due to weather events or otherwise. Reminder, Schmellyβs Dirt Farm is open daily, 6am until sunset.
Sugar Roots Farm 9:00AM - 3:30PM at 10701 Willow Drive
Schmelly's Dirt Farm sunrise - sunset at 8301 Olive St
RealCycle Tent at the Crescent City Farmersβ Market in the City Putt Parking Lot. Dreyfous Drive @ Anseman Ave. They accept aluminum. 8:00am - 12:00pm.
Galvez Garden
Accepting aluminum cans. 10:00AM - 2:00PM
2317 N Galvez Street
Sprout NOLA
Conti & Dorgenois, behind 300 N Broad St
Recirculating Farms
9:00AM - 5:00pm
1924 Jackson Avenue
Sprout NOLA
Bienville & Dorgenois, behind 300 N Broad St
Sprout NOLA
Conti & Dorgenois, behind 300 N Broad St
Audubon Park Golf Course Pro Shop
4:00 - 5:30PM
6500 Magazine St *note the new date and slight location change*
Recirculating Farms
9:00AM - 12:00pm
1924 Jackson Avenue
Sankofa Community Garden
27 St Claude Ct
**Please bring scraps to their compost bins in back.
Recirculating Farms
9:00AM - 12:00pm
1924 Jackson Avenue
Crown Community Garden
9:00AM - 5:30PM
19 Marywood Court- New Orleans East
Barcelo Garden
10:00AM - 1:00PM
2302 Gallier Street
Please DO NOT drop off your compost outside of the days and hours specified above or if the bins are not there. Doing so jeopardizes our partnerships with these farms, businesses, and public spaces which allow us to host our free collections. Leaving food waste unattended will result in shutting down the location.
Thank you!